\include "norms.ly" \score { \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } { \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \stemOff \lowPSlur \lowSlur \shortenSlur \stemDown b'4 b4. (a) \tick b4 b4. (a) \tick %holy \stemNeutral g4 a b (b) b a b4 \bar "|" g4 a b b (b) a c b b a g4 \bar "|" %heaven and earth g4 a b b b a b4 \bar "|" %hosanna g4 a b b (b) a c b a b a g g4 \bar "|" %blessed e4 g (a) a a b a (g) g2 (a) \bar "|." %hosanna } \addlyrics { \lyricRegular Ho -- ly, Ho -- ly, Ho -- ly Lord God of hosts. Hea -- ven and earth are full of your glo -- ry. Ho -- san -- na in the high -- est. Bles -- sed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho -- san -- na in the high -- est. } } } \include "avoidbars.ly"