\include "norms.ly" \score { \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } { \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \stemOff \lowPSlur \lowSlur \shortenSlur e4 e g a g a g e4 \bar "||" %glory to god in the highest e4 e g(a) \stemDown a-- \tick \stemNeutral %peace a g a g g e4 \bar "||" g4 a(g) e4 \bar "||" g4 a(g) e4 \bar "||" g4 a a(g) e4 \bar "||" g4 a a g e4 \bar "||" a4 g a b a g a \stemDown g e \stemNeutral \bar "||" e4 g(a) a a g e \tick g a a g a g e4 \bar "||" %lord god heavenly king e4 g a \stemDown a-- \stemNeutral \tick \bar "" a4 g a g g e4 \bar "||" %lord jesus christ \stemDown a4 a-- \stemNeutral g a b-- \tick a g a g e4\bar "||" e4 g a a a a g a b-- \tick a g a g e4 \bar "||" %you take away the sins e4 g a a a a g a b-- \tick a g (a) g e4 \bar "||" %you take away the sins e4 g a a \bar "" a a a a g a b a \tick a g a g e4 \bar "||" e4 g a a a g a g e4 \bar "||" %for you alone e4 g a a g e4 \bar "||" e4 g a a g a (g) \stemDown e-- \stemNeutral \tick e g \stemUp a (b a4) \stemNeutral \bar "||" a4 a g a b \stemDown a-- \stemNeutral \tick a4 a a a a a g \once \override Slur #'positions = #'(3 . 2) \once \override PhrasingSlur #'positions = #'(-2 . -2) %\once \override PhrasingSlur #'height-limit = #1.5 \once \override Slur #'height-limit = #-1.5 \slurDown a \( (b g) g (e) e4 \) \slurNeutral \bar "||" \once \override Slur #'positions = #'(2 . 2) \stemDown \slurDown e4 \( ( e) f g f e \) \stemNeutral d2 (e) \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \lyricRegular Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est, and on earth peace to peo -- ple of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we a -- dore you, we glo -- ri -- fy you, we give you thanks for your great glo -- ry, Lord God, heav -- en -- ly King, O God, al -- migh -- ty Fa -- ther. Lord Je -- sus Christ, On -- ly be -- got -- ten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa -- ther, you take a -- way the sins of the world, have mer -- cy on us; you take a -- way the sins of the world, re -- ceive our prayer; you are sea -- ted at the right hand of the Fa -- ther, have mer -- cy on us. For you a -- lone are the Ho -- ly One, you a -- lone are the Lord, you a -- lone are the Most High, Je -- sus Christ, with the Ho -- ly Spi -- rit, in the glo -- ry of God the Fa -- \skip 1 ther. A -- \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 men. } } } \include "avoidbars.ly"